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Low-risk vessel – complete vessel sterilization

低風險船舶: Services

Provide vessel directory for sterilization plan


Sterilization company assess quotation


Sterilizing personnel conduct sterilization process in protected wear


Provide sterilization report

Low-risk ships-nucleic acid testing

低風險船舶: Services

Validate crew list (including passport copies)


Crews divided into 2 groups (return ship shift /draft test plan)


Draft test plan


Medical team conducts nucleic acid testing


Medical team on standby

低風險船舶: Services

Validate crew dietary requirement


Provide diversity of meals for selection


Provide crew with daily schedule


Allocate tour bus and wait for nucleic acid testing report

低風險船舶: Services

Wait for the nuclei acid testing results and the crews may return to the ship if results are negative in all crew.


Crew return

低風險船舶: Services
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